Dutch Skies 360° HDR - DigiPro presentation by Chris Horvath
This showcase was originally posted on the old website in 2015 and completely forgot about it until early 2020
Dutch Skies 360° HDR - DigiPro presentation by Chris Horvath
Mid June 2015 got a mail from Chris Horvath. He told me he was working on a a DigiPro 2015 presentation for a paper called “Empirical Directional Wave Spectra for Computer Graphics”.
He needed very urgent some HDR skies so sended him the Dutch Skies 360° HDRI – Autumn Pack 01 Reloaded Volume.
The paper was presented on 8 august 2015. You can download it here.
Chris Asked if it was ok that he would mention me in the Paper and during the presentation… well needed to think about it for +/- 0,00023 nano seconds 😉
Thanks to Chris for this nice collaboration & his permission to show this on the website!
Also thanks to my friend Thomas Mansencal who suggested Chris to contact me.
Below a exerpt from page 10 of the pdf, went completely nuts after reading it ...wow!!
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