Free 3D printable 77mm standard filter holder for wide Angle lenses
About 3D printable filter project
It took a bit longer to publish the first "real" physical product other then skies project. This project is completely done in spare time next to the other projects.
What is it?
Nikon wide angle lenses have a very difficult way to add extra filters. They need to be mounted between the camera body and the lens. When you are recording on location is very unpractical to add or remove the filters due to dust, rain etc.
Together with Blender Brew & Rob Wuijster from Rowu Media we came up with a adaptable 3D printable standard 77 mm filter holder for ( Nikon ) wide angle lenses. The filter holder is being used to record unclipped suns with a ND filter. But you can add any needed 77mm filter.
Its free for the most parts because the base file is made in Blender. Only thing that cost you money is making a 3D print off course.
There are instructions included so altering it for your own lens ( other then Nikon ) should not be that difficult.
More info and the download location of the .stl print file please visit Blender Brew's website here.
Below some extra images of the project:
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